1 - About Free Fire Alok Ability
There are 32 characters in Free Fire currently, but not all of them are created equal. While some have useless abilities like “increase fist damage” or barely noticeable like “increase sprinting speed by 6%”, others have super OP abilities that could change the course of the game when used at the right time.

Free Fire Alok Ability
You can get this bundle in the Free Fire Shop
And amongst those OP characters, the most powerful is probably Alok. His “Drop the Beat” ability would increase players’ movement speed and heal them for the duration, which is the two best buffs in the game.

Level 1: Create an aura that increases moving and sprinting speed by 10% and restore 5 HP for 5 seconds.
Level 2: Create an aura that increases moving and sprinting speed by 11% and restore 5 HP for 6 seconds.
Level 3: Create an aura that increases moving and sprinting speed by 12% and restore 5 HP for 7 seconds.
Level 4: Create an aura that increases moving and sprinting speed by 13% and restore 5 HP for 8 seconds.
Level 5: Unlock Summon airdrop playcard
Level 6: Create an aura that increases moving and sprinting speed by 14% and restore 5 HP for 9 seconds.
Level 7: Unlock Alok's Banner
Level 8: Create an aura that increases moving and sprinting speed by 15% and restore 5 HP for 10 seconds.
The skill has a 45 seconds cooldown, 5 meters radius... and multiple instances of it would not stack..

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